Contact us to learn more about how Health Care Analytics can help you increase quality, control costs and maximize revenue.

Health Care Analytics' multidisciplinary team of managed care and healthcare information technology experts can perform a rapid opportunity assessment of your organizations business operations yielding actionable recommendations aimed at increasing revenue, decreasing costs and improving quality. Focus areas include:
- Claims Payment & Recovery
- System Architecture, Functionality & Features
- Decision Support Systems, Analytics & Reporting
- Medical Management
- Quality Improvement
- Risk Score & Revenue Management
- Cost Containment
Healthcare IT M & A Due Diligence Review
Health Care Analytics can evaluate your acquisition target by conducting an in depth review of the target company's systems, processes, products, services and overall capabilities
Market Review identifies and verifies market demands of the target company's customer base and assesses the current competitive landscape of other vendors. We can assist in developing perspective on market opportunity. Technology Review evaluates the target company's system architecture, functionality & features. as well as provide comparison of pros/cons of target’s system vs. other competitors and in-house health plan capabilities. Considerations include
- Product Assessment & Capabilities
- Gaps & Limitations
- Data Quality
- Application Functionality
- Future Product Development Considerations
- Market Perspective
- Competitive Landscape